When you make a purchase, the email you are logged in with is what gives you access to the content. We don´t require email-verifications, mostly due to the fact that livestreams don´t wait for verification emails.
Sometimes it happens that one misspells an email. If you are logged in with a misspelled email, you can change it on this link, and then go to "my account" -> "account details": https://solidsport.com/user/profile/account.
If you already have an account with your real email, contact us and we will help you change it.
Sometimes it might happen that one logs in with the wrong email, maybe one has an account connected to facebook, or someone in your household left their email logged in. The easiest way to find out if you are logged in with the wrong account is to check if you did not receive a receipt to your email right after the purchase. If you have not got it, another email probably got it. Always try to check which email the purchase is connected to and don´t hesitate to contact us if you need help!
You can reach us at [email protected]